Brian McGee, EdS
Board President and company CEO. He is an ex-Army Officer, Vietnam veteran, and a retired career educator. He ran for the U.S. Senate in 2017 and the Alabama House in 2018. He is a strong believer in using “simulations” to teach students or adults complex concepts. He has traveled widely and lived and worked in five foreign countries.
Dr. Chandana Mitra, PhD:
Board Vice President. Dr. Mitra, an Associate Professor, Climatologist, Department of Geosciences, Auburn University, researches internationally on human adaptation to changes in climate. In 2019, she spent the summer in India studying adaptations to climate change by the poorest of the poor.
Professional Links:
Urban Prism Research Group
Alabama Environmental Awareness Channel
Dr. Zach Mahafza, PhD
Board Secretary and Director of Research, Dr. Mahafza received a PhD in Public Administration & Public Policy from Auburn University in 2020. Dr. Mahafza specializes in environmental & policy research. He is currently employed at the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) Montgomery, AL. SPLC is one of the primary organizations seeking equality for underserved minority populations.
Rebecca Scharn, CPA, CITP
Board Treasurer. Ms. Scharn is Supervising Manager in auditing for the firm Carr, Riggs & Ingram, LLC. She has broad experience in accounting, auditing, and grant compliance. As our treasurer she will oversee grant funds and IRS regulatory requirements.